The state-of-the-art Library and Media Center is located in a central complex which includes a Multi-Use Community Room used as the school cafeteria during school hours. The Multi-Use Room opens up to an informal amphitheater for performances.
The school is designed for community use after school hours. The library includes a computer facility accessible by the community after hours. Interiors are characterized by the use of natural light, energy efficient lighting, acoustic control and use of durable natural materials.
The state-of-the-art Library and Media Center is located in a central complex which includes a Multi-Use Community Room used as the school cafeteria during school hours. The Multi-Use Room opens up to an informal amphitheater for performances.
The school is designed for community use after school hours. The library includes a computer facility accessible by the community after hours. Interiors are characterized by the use of natural light, energy efficient lighting, acoustic control and use of durable natural materials.